by Jon Schreibfeder | Oct 15, 2022 | Best Practices, Forecasting, Order Cycles, Physical Inventory – Cycle Counting, Purchasing
When Your Target Order Requirement Is Not Practical?By Jon and Matt Schreibfeder One of the things we look forward to is answering great questions from our readers. In the next several issues of our newsletter, we will discuss some of the more interesting subjects...
by Jon Schreibfeder | Jul 6, 2022 | Analysis, Best Practices, Forecasting, Purchasing, Replenishment Parameters, Stocking Decisions
Measuring Profitability By Matt and Jon Schreibfeder Besides customer service (i.e, having those quantities of stocked items available, when customers want them), EIM considers profitability to be the most important metric available to our clients. If your...
by Jon Schreibfeder | May 10, 2022 | Analysis, Best Practices, Consulting, Forecasting, General, Replenishment Parameters, Stocking Decisions
A Problem with Ranking Products by Jon and Matt Schreibfeder Most organizations want to focus their attention on the products in their inventory that contribute most to their success. One way to do this is by ranking products. Ranking is the process of classifying...
by Jon Schreibfeder | Apr 7, 2022 | Analysis, Best Practices, Consulting, Forecasting, Purchasing, Replenishment Parameters, Replenishment Source, Stocking Decisions, Warehousing
Developing Stocking Rules – Part 2 By Jon Schreibfeder Last month we began a discussion of determining what products you should keep in stock. As we said in that article, when you decide to stock a product, you are making a commitment. A commitment to maintain a...
by Jon Schreibfeder | Mar 8, 2022 | Analysis, Best Practices, Consulting, Forecasting, Order Cycles, Replenishment Parameters, Stocking Decisions, Warehousing
Developing Effective Policies for Stocking Products by Jon and Matt Schreibfeder The goal of effective inventory management is to “meet or exceed customers’ expectations of product availability while maximizing net profits.” This...
by Jon Schreibfeder | Feb 9, 2022 | Analysis, Best Practices, Forecasting, General, Order Cycles, Replenishment Parameters, Stocking Decisions
Analyzing Stockouts to Improve Customer Service by Jon Schreibfeder A “stockout” occurs when you don’t have enough inventory to fulfill a request from a customer. This customer may be “outside” your business (i.e., you are selling them products) or within your...