by Jon Schreibfeder | Jan 15, 2024 | Best Practices, Forecasting, Stocking Decisions
How Much of a New Product Do You Buy?By Jon and Matt Schreibfeder Last month we introduced a new product questionnaire to help you effectively control the process ofadding items to your stock list. This month we will explain how to effectively decide the actual...
by Jon Schreibfeder | Dec 15, 2023 | Best Practices, Forecasting, Technology
Applying “Collaborative Information” to Your Forecast By Jon & Matt Schreibfeder Most demand planning systems base their forecasts of future sales on past usage history. This is known as “time series forecasting”. The idea is that what you sold in the past is a...
by Jon Schreibfeder | Oct 15, 2023 | Best Practices, Forecasting, Purchasing, Warehousing
Planned Excess: How to Manage ItBy Jon and Matt Schreibfeder Last month, we discussed the advantages of utilizing the economic order quantity (EOQ) when determining how much of a product to buy from a vendor. Properly used, the EOQ will minimize your total cost of...
by Jon Schreibfeder | Sep 15, 2023 | Best Practices, Forecasting, Order Cycles, Purchasing, Replenishment Parameters, Stocking Decisions, Uncategorized
Optimizing Forced Inventory Reduction – Part #3By Jon and Matt Schreibfeder Over the last several months we have been discussing how to prepare for a downturn in business.Recent reports in the financial press predict a possible upcoming recession. It is imperative...
by Jon Schreibfeder | Aug 15, 2023 | Best Practices, Forecasting, Order Cycles, Purchasing, Replenishment Parameters
Minimizing the Negative Effects of Forced Inventory Reduction – Part #2By Jon and Matt Schreibfeder The time to issue a replenishment order when you have enough inventory left in stock to satisfy customer demand during the lead time. If you forecast that you will sell...
by Jon Schreibfeder | Jul 15, 2023 | Best Practices, Forecasting, Order Cycles, Purchasing, Stocking Decisions
Minimizing the Negative Effects of a Forced Inventory ReductionBy Jon and Matt Schreibfeder When there is a downturn in sales, or your organization faces unexpected expenses, managementoften dictates a reduction in inventory. The challenge for the operations and...