Why Weekly Forecasting? (Part Two)

“What you sold or used in the past is usually a good indication of what you will sell or use in the future”. This is one of the basic “truths” of forecasting future demand of stocked items. In our last article, “Why Weekly Forecasting...

Why Weekly Forecasting? (Part One)

Recently I received a call from a distributor who had a dilemma. They were running out of a particular popular product every month. The buyer’s frustration vibrated through the phone line as I spoke to her. She explained, “We’re doing a pretty good...

Adjusting Usage for Lost Sales

A customer requests a product and it’s not in stock. They can’t wait for you to obtain the item so they purchase it elsewhere. You’ve lost a sale. That means you have lost the opportunity to earn a profit, disappointed the customer, and probably put...

A Key to Accurate Demand Forecasting

I received a call from one of my customers this afternoon. “Jon, something is wrong with my demand forecast. We usually have a sharp drop in usage in January because several customers have shutdowns. But the forecast is recommending we stock almost twice as much...

Do You Know Where Your Information Comes From?

Most computer systems provide a lot of information. Management and employees depend on the analysis provided by the computer software to make critical business decisions. But do you know how the numbers appearing on your reports and screens were generated? Before you...